CREATIVITY COUNTSOCAD University 2012/13 Annual Report InfographicSince 2006, annual reporting data for Ontario universities has been compiled under Common University Data Ontario (CUDO) through the Council of Ontario Universities, replacing the legal need to publish conventional annual reports. As a result, printed annual reports in the Ontario university sector (when released at all) tend to be used primarily as marketing tools, and can take unusual forms.
This project presents the highlights of the most recent (2012/13) Annual Report for OCAD University, Canada’s oldest and largest university-level art and design school, as a two-sided, vertically-oriented composite infographic poster. It was published in late 2013 as a standalone piece, and is scheduled to be included as a removable, trifold insert in the Winter 2014 issue of SKETCH, the OCAD U alumni magazine.
The front side of the poster contains information on the overall composition of the student body, including undergraduate versus graduate, international versus domestic, and fine art versus design. At the right is a vertical timeline extending the entire height of the poster, with event highlights on the left side, and award highlights on the right side. Awards are colour-coded to indicate whether the recipient is an OCAD U student, faculty/staff member, or alumnus/alumna.
The reverse of the poster contains infographic depictions of OCAD U’s research activities, international presence, and financial information (revenues, expenses, and development). Interspersed between the infographics are “Fun Facts”, mostly pertaining to the consumption of supplies and materials in the OCAD U fabrication shops and studios. This consumption is grouped by area or program.
All type is set in one of the two official OCAD U typefaces: Gotham and Malaga, providing visual consistency with other OCAD University marketing materials and publications.