FROM PROCESS TO PRACTICEVisualization of the results of the 2011 Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP)The
Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) is an institutional
improvement initiative which investigates the educational experiences
and career paths of arts graduates. As part of this, SNAAP surveys
graduates of US and Canadian post-secondary art and design schools every three years, and provides its findings to educators, policy makers, and philanthropic organizations to improve arts training, inform cultural policy, and support artists.
This project presents the findings of the most recent (2011) SNAAP
survey specific to OCAD University (formerly the Ontario College of Art
& Design), Canada’s oldest and largest university-level art and
design school, in a composite data visualization. It was included as a
removable, four-page gatefold insert in the Summer 2013 issue of SKETCH, the OCAD U alumni magazine.